Monday, July 16, 2012

Veggies Gone Wild

Not sure how, why or what, but we've got rogue veggies growing. Well, I kind of know the how and the why and some of the what. Here's what we've got.

a tomato forest, but we're not sure what kind of tomatoes
 with blossoms, so I guess we'll find out
 a giant squash plant of some sort, either zucchini or yellow
 with lots of blossoms so we'll find out soon
 and a look at the garden going down
 and looking up the garden
Things are coming along quite well. We've been eating lots of lettuce and a few green beans. I'm about ready to start picking kale, too!

How is your garden growing?


  1. Your garden is looking great~

    I just posted about my wild and weedy garden recently. I have lots of mystery varieties of things as well, and some complete volunteers like purple kale all over my potato patch. I rather like it that way ;)

    1. It is kind of fun to have mystery veggies growing, isn't it?! And volunteers are always welcome!! :)

  2. Beautiful garden. Have I mentioned that I love the tiers? ;) Our garden isn't doing so well. We've just reached Stage 3 drought conditions and are under a watering ban. That doesn't bode well. Keeping our fingers crossed that we get rain, and soon.

    1. Oh my! That sounds really bad, Sheri!! Sending lots of rainy thoughts your way . . .

      The tiers are awesome, aren't they. LK's talents never cease to amaze me.

  3. O my what lovlies grow in your garden! My garden looks stunted and is so slow growing! I am trying desperately to get my stuff to grow but everything is so short with no blooms on it at all.

    1. It's nice to see you again, Crystal! I'm sorry to hear your garden is slow growing. Well, I will send you lots of garden growing energy, maybe that will help! :)

    2. Your garden looks great! You should have tons of veggies soon.

    3. I know, right?! In fact, I went out earlier today and picked some kale. It was delicious!!

    4. Thanks Lady, It has been a bit since I have been around and Im trying to get back in the swing of things. I still have no real camera and so blogging without it is kind of boring. LOL My cell phone takes mediocre pictures. :) I sure hope my garden flourishes soon. I am not used to the completely different weather of the east compared to California. LOL
