Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sonic Spelling

I've mentioned before that, as unschoolers, we don't do lessons. Not doing lessons doesn't mean not learning. Princess found "Amazing Sonic Scene Creator", in many versions, online for free. She spent a good part of the day yesterday working on it.
As you can see there is a lot of spelling involved and typing, too. There were some words that Princess didn't know how to spell and figured out or asked me. I'm certain that she is learning countless other things, as well, while working on this.
 And of course, lots of imagination and fun. Is there any better way to learn? 


  1. There are so many interactive ways to learn from playing at home these days - very cool :-)

    1. So true, Cate! I am truly amazed at the things that Princess learns from the games she plays.

  2. Yep! Daughter has gained many a skill playing computer games. The one that fascinates me the most is her ability to create and manipulate graphics. Her skills even translated to a 3D Imaging course she took and aced. With the advances in technology, the classroom is fast becoming obsolete. Go Princess! :D

    1. That is awesome, Sheri! Ya know what . . . I think they're leaving us in the dust. The things they learn are beyond what I understand. So very impressive!!!
