Thursday, April 12, 2012


We had a grain free Passover Seder . . . with notzah balls. Those are matzah balls made with almond meal instead of matzah meal. They are actually quite good!

Brisket in the crock pot . . . smells so yummy!

Getting the table ready - - candles, seder plate and matzah notzah plate. I really should make a new one, shouldn't I? ;)

And notzah made with almond meal.

This Shabbat candleholder belonged to my grandmother. It's old and not at all modern looking, but I love it.

For our Haggadah, the book you read from at the seder that tells the story of the Jews in Egypt, I took pieces from a humanistic children's Haggadah and a Unitarian Universalist Haggadah and put them together to make one that worked for us. I think I still want to make some changes, so it is a work in progress, but it worked well for us.

And what's a holiday without a little crafting?! Princess made a sleeve for the afikomen. During the seder a piece of the notzah is broken in half and hidden for the children to find. It is needed to finish the seder, so in order to get it back, the children get a prize in exchange. We put our afikomen in the lovely sleeve. Useful and beautiful! Princess was thrilled with her prize - - an Avatar the Last Airbender Wii game.

How did you celebrate this past weekend?