Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Grammar Geek

I am, admittedly, a grammar geek. I correct grammar in my head all the time. (Sorry friends, I can't seem to help myself.) I'm horrified when I make a mistake and will correct myself out loud. A mistake in print is simply tragic. I wish I was as geeky when it comes to punctuation. My sister, the Duchess, is the same.

The other day Princess said something that included "Daddy and me" when it should have been "Daddy and I". The Duchess shared our trick for knowing which one is correct. It's super simple.

Remove the other person and repeat the sentence.

Daddy and me are going to the movies.
Me am going to the movies.
*Daddy and I are going to the movies.
*I am going to the movies.

Mommy is going to the movies with Daddy and I.
Mommy is going to the movies with I.
*Mommy is going to the movies with Daddy and me.
*Mommy is going to the movies with me.


See, "I" isn't always correct.

Princess totally got it! In fact, she was on the phone last night . . . and she corrected her friend and explained the thought process behind figuring it out.

How about that?!?!


  1. What a great way to explain it all! I sometimes struggle explaining it to my children! Thanks for the tip, I will pass it on. :)

    1. Oh cool, Crystal!! I'm so glad this was helpful. :)

  2. Wow - I am a grammar freak too, but have never heard the reasoning put so clearly :-)

    1. We like to keep things simple around here. :) I think we may be turning Princess into a grammar geek, too.
