Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bowling Firsts

Okay, I really need to start carrying my camera everywhere. Yes, the best camera is the one you have in your hand, but the iPhone can only do so much. And it's not so great with the action shots. Or maybe it's just me?

At any rate, the Lizard King was in for the weekend. Yay! Bowling is something we all have fun doing. This time included quite a few firsts for Princess. She bowled without a ramp for the first time. She got her first spare. And for the first time, Princess won! She always beats me. But generally the Lizard King wins . . . by a lot. This time, his right arm was bothering him so much, he had to bowl left-handed.

The final score:
Shady Lady 41
Lizard King 63
Princess 70!

That's about normal for me . . . I am queen of the gutter ball! LK was definitely impaired - a lot - by the use of his left arm. Princess was in her glory.

We're already talking about going again soon! What things does your family enjoy doing?


  1. I am searching for things that we could all enjoy doing together. I have not found anything that we all agree to other then sitting and watching a movie and honestly that bores me to tears! Bowling is out for my husband he refuses to even try. I will keep searching though!

    Glad you all had a good weekend together! :)

  2. Yay for Princess! Her score is awesome - and her first spare...woohoo! We love bowling and I think we've had this conversation before, but up here we do five pin with much smaller balls. LK had a name for it, but I forget now. :P We also enjoy mini golf too. Oh, what's with the font size on the comments? I can barely see it even with my glasses on. :P

    1. Okay, Sheri. I tried to find a way to fix it, but can't! What the heck! There is no setting for changing the size of the font in comments. Does anybody have any ideas?

  3. That's so weird, Sheri! Going to fix it now!!

    Crystal, have you tried mini golf? That's something we love, too. We've got an indoor place nearby. I think we'll have to try that next time. And Sheri, was it duck pins that LK called it? I remember the conversation from a while back.

    1. We have tried mini golf, once! I think only one of my kids enjoyed it. The problem with a larger family is that it is not always easy to find a common interest. We do all enjoy camping but that isn't something that can be done during winter months. :)

    2. It is harder to please everyone when there are more people, especially children, involved. We have only Princess, so we usually just go along with whatever she wants to do, even if it's something we may not necessarily enjoy as much as she does. Although, we usually find a way to enjoy it by seeing the experience through her eyes.

  4. It is easier to enjoy an experience with your children even if its not something you enjoy by seeing their joy. If I could just get active participants it might be easier. :) lol

  5. We don't often bowl, but you have inspired me - we need to give it a go again :-)

    Yay Princess on beating mum (my girl does it all the time...*sigh*)

  6. We haven't been bowling-bowling in a few years, but we Wii bowled while they were all back home for Christmas break. I kick butt on Wii bowling! LOL

  7. Getting some time with the whole family is always a blessing:) And its nice for Princess to win too.

  8. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!

