Friday, January 28, 2011


When I was a kid I loved the Sunday comics. When I was forced to go to sleep-away camp from hell, my grandmother mailed me the comics every week. It was a wonderful, albeit brief, escape.

The Lizard King still loves the Sunday comics or funnies as he calls them. 

Princess discovered the Sunday Comics recently, although they didn't hold her attention for very long. She told me she read three stories . . . and that she was done.


  1. I used to read them religiously when I was a kid too :-)

  2. I loved them as a kid, but now they don't hold my attention. lol. Maybe I'm regressing.

  3. Ya know Sheila, they don't hold my attention either. :-/

  4. This brings back some great memories. My grandparents would always read the Sunday funnies to the girls when they would come for a visit. :)

    Cute photo!

  5. Oh that is so sweet, Aliceson!! :-)
